Get your audit team to get into data analytics

What You'll Learn In Our

Coaching Program

Milestone 1

Review the past audit workpapers and reports, compared to the future audit planning: identify those audit areas that are popular and for which data analytics would provide added value:

Milestone 2

Design in PPT some proposed “standardised” PBI reports, based on the analysis in 1/ and then discuss these with experts in each area from audit, in order to get their input

Milestone 3

Review the audit planning and schedule which audits the PBI reports could be used on. Then plan backwards 7 weeks from start of each audit planning first day:

Milestone 4

Before end of year, present audit planning with PBI reports proposed for each audit to the audit team

Milestone 5

Plan meetings for each audit:

Milestone 6

During the year: build-in some python capability:

Ways That Aufinia Could Help Through Coaching:

If You Want Your Team To Grow, You May Enroll Them In Our

Coaching Program

Price Today: ONLY 3,000 USD per year