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Audit tests <-> SAP SOD

Essential SAP Separation of Duties Matrix

SAP SOD_funnel

Are you spending a lot of money using SAP GRC for Separation Of Duties analysis in SAP?

Perhaps you are using an equivalent tool that is similar to SAP GRG – but that is also quite expensive.

One of the difficulties when we want to check if there are users in the SAP system that have too much access, is that we first need a SAP SOD matrix. Since there are a lot of transaction codes in SAP, getting a list of all of the pairs of SAP transaction codes that one particular user should not have can be quite tricky or time consuming.

Luckily, after 20 years of experience, we have developed a list of all of the SAP transaction codes that one user should not have in the same profile.

If you compare this file to all of the transaction codes that each user is using during a particular period of time, then you will get a quick and easy way to see if you have a separation of duties security issue in your SAP system.

Just send us your email and we will send you the spreadsheet that lists out all of the SAP transaction codes that one user should not have in the same profile.

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